Sparks of Inspiration Found at #DFWCon

I love attending writing conferences and being surrounded by creative people. You never know when a lightning bolt will jump out of a conversation or a presentation and zap us. Wham! The unexpected stimulus of a new idea or a fresh perspective jolts our brain and pushes us to examine, explore, learn...and create.

This weekend's DFW Writers' Conference was full of sparks. Here are a few quotes that hit me up-side the head and left me buzzing. Enjoy!

"You can catch lightning in a jar with that first draft." ~ Lori Wilde, NY Times Bestselling Author of 69 books.

"Focus on making people laugh and cry." ~ Dave Lieber, award winning columnist for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

"The best way to predict your [writing] future is to create it." Agent Sally Harding adapting a Stephen Covey quote.

"You cannot have a society without rituals." ~ Agent & Author Lucienne Diver

"Your villain should have just as much conflict as your hero or heroine." ~ Candace Havens, best selling and award winning author.

"Write sex scenes that you find sexy." ~ Roni Loren, erotic romance author.

Happy Writing, Reading & Thinking! 


  1. Thanks for sharing! I really like the one about the villain!

  2. I know...I heard that and had a *head-desk* moment. Makes utter sense!

  3. Great quotes! I love Harding's quote on creating your writing future. Yes! Yes!

  4. Oooh, I love the quotes from Lucienne Diver and Candace Havens in particular. Thanks for sharing these! I agree, Candace's remark is a head hit the desk one, but ... yeah. LOL
